
Drug Screening

Discover the Future of Healthcare with Personalized Medicine

Experience the transformative power of personalized medicine as we tailor treatments to your unique genetic and physiological makeup

Discover the future of healthcare with personalized medicine at our state-of-the-art facility.
Tailor your treatment plan specifically to you, maximizing success and minimizing side effects.
Our comprehensive suite of services includes sample collection, automation, and advanced drug screening processes.
Recreate the complexity of your body's tissues through 3D microtissue formation, allowing for more accurate assessment of therapeutic efficacy.
Our drug screening process combines personalized 3D microtissues with advanced imaging technology for comprehensive treatment evaluation.
The Operetta High-Content Screening System (Revvity, USA) enables high-throughput imaging and analysis, capturing detailed cellular and molecular information.
Embrace the future of healthcare with
personalized medicine, optimizing your
path towards improved health and well-being.

Pharma Drug Screening
In Vitro

Accelerate Your Drug Discovery Journey with Pharma Drug Screening Solutions

Intended Use

According to professional guidelines in oncology, the test should be administered to previously diagnosed cancer patients by qualified healthcare professionals. Neither is it conclusive nor prescriptive regarding the labeled use of any therapeutic product. The Vitro-M test is currently being tested in clinical trials for assessing advanced-stage colorectal, lung, and pancreatic cancer tumors. The development of other types of tumors is ongoing.